The Facebook Blues

Facebook is more than just a social media platform; it's a social phenomenon.  Other popular social media sites - such as Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc. - are such that they tend to be utilized, by us users, to appeal to a larger, general audience.  But Facebook is intended in such a way that the people who view our content are primarily those whom we have an actual, interpersonal relationship with,…


GHfind Back in Effect (After Short Hiatus)

After being offline for the past couple of months, I was finally able to get GHfind back up and running.  Originally, the issue was a financial one.  But later down the line, it proved to be more technical. And it's the latter that really hurts.  For instance, I backed the site up right before it went down in February.  I had created another backup the month prior, in January.  But…