GHfind Back in Effect (After Short Hiatus)

After being offline for the past couple of months, I was finally able to get GHfind back up and running.  Originally, the issue was a financial one.  But later down the line, it proved to be more technical.

And it’s the latter that really hurts.  For instance, I backed the site up right before it went down in February.  I had created another backup the month prior, in January.  But unfortunately, both of those (.wpress) files proved to be corrupt or faulty for some other reason.  So I had to resort to another backup from November.  That’s why, if you were to visit the homepage at this very moment, the pics displayed are ones that I uploaded six months ago.

I had also written an inaugural post for the new GHfind blog earlier this year, which unfortunately has been lost.  So are the configurations I made to the blog in general.  So with this post, I’m basically starting the (new) WordPress blog from scratch.  As for older GHfind posts, i.e. those that predate 2024, I have archived some of them under another blog, GHexpat, which is hosted by Blogger.

But no use crying over spilt milk.  I’m thankful that GHfind is finally back online and functional.  If you were to read GHexpat, you’d know that I tend to regularly (and empathetically) complain about Ghanaian web hosting companies.  So all things considered, I wouldn’t be surprised if something like that, beyond my control, is the reason why those aforementioned backup files aren’t working (though I’m leaning more towards believing it has something to do with incompatible WordPress plugins).  In any event, this time around I’m using a different web hosting company, Aveshost.  And I’m glad to report that thus far, everything appears to be copacetic.

Malcolm Aaron, Founder/Webmaster, GHfind

I had also briefly deactivated my Facebook account.  And by the time I reactivated it a week later, Facebook had taken all of my pages down, including GHfind.  So now, I have to start that from scratch also.  And if so compelled, please take time to visit our new Facebook page (@ghfind2024) and leave a like.  But that said, I intend to start experimenting more with other platforms, like TikTok especially, in the near future.


Most of all, I want to use this opportunity to apologize to those of you who may be regular visitors of this site, only the find that it had recently been offline.  Hopefully, we won’t ever have to deal with an issue of that magnitude again.

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